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Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in the world and close to 80 million will be diagnosed with glaucoma by the year 2020. Widely tipped as silent thief of sight owing to it’s largely asymptomatic nature. The key is early diagnosis and regular eye check-ups for all. Glaucoma refers to a group of eye conditions that lead to damage to the optic nerve, which transports visual information from the eye to the brain. This damage is usually a result of increased eye pressure, or intraocular pressure. Important issues:
  • Lack of awareness
  • Silent and asymptomatic nature of the disease
  • No permanent cure (as it can only be controlled)
  • Lifelong treatment and follow-up
  • Whatever vision is lost, is permanent and irreversible
Risk factors for glaucoma. Who should get tested for Glaucoma?
  • Age above 40 years
  • Blood relatives with glaucoma
  • Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension , Thyroid disease
  • Near-sightedness
  • Prolonged steroid treatment (tablets, inhalers, skin ointments or eye drops)
  • History of trauma
Tests for glaucoma
  • Tonometry
  • Gonioscopy
  • Fundoscopy
  • Imaging(OCT)
  • Perimetry
Types of glaucoma

There are many types of glaucoma. Some of these are:

  • Open-angle glaucoma – in which despite of an open angle, the aqueous drainage does not occur.
  • Angle-Closure Glaucoma – in which, the angle itself is closed preventing fluid drainage.
  • Secondary Glaucoma – that occurs due to other eye diseases or treatment.
  • Primary Congenital / Developmental Glaucoma - that only affects children from birth upto 3 years.

Glaucoma is a treatable disease that needs early detection as the damage is not reversible. The treatment can include medications, laser or surgery.

  • MEDICAL TREATMENT – The medications either decrease the production of the fluid or increase the drainage of the fluid so as to keep the eye pressure under control as determined by your doctor. Regular eye check –ups and compliance is important.
  • LASER TREATMENT – Lasers are used in the treatment of glaucoma to increase the outflow of fluid from the eye. The LASER treatment we offer include:
  • LASER PERIPHERAL IRIDOTOMY – It is the application of a laser beam to selectively make a small hole through the iris. This is done only for patients with angle closure glaucoma. It is a simple, outpatient procedure which takes about 10-15 minutes. However, eye drops need to be instilled prior to the procedure to make the pupil small.
  • SURGICAL TREATMENT – It aims to increase the fluid outflow in the eye.  The surgeries most commonly performed include trabeculectomy. These procedures create a drainage channel from the anterior chamber to the external surface of the eye under the conjunctiva, aiming at lowering the pressure inside the eye.
Treatment of glaucoma aims at preserving the existing vision; it does not restore the vision that is already lost. Therefore, early detection and treatment are very important.   PATEL EYE CARE- specializes in the diagnosis and the medical and surgical management of primary, secondary glaucoma. Patients benefit from our state-of-the-art glaucoma testing capabilities, technology and expertise.